08 September 2012

Their stereotypes of us and stereotypes in general

So, in Pauline's English class, her teacher had a presentation about french and American stereotypes. Also, just from listening to them, I picked up some other stereotypes. Of course, we all know what we think of them, but what do they really think of us?

They think we are all fat. Good thing I wasn't.

They think we are violent. They asked me if my family has any guns. I said yeah, my dad has two. Gasp! I tried to explain to them that it wasn't really because he is violent. It's not even really for security. He has guns because it's a typical 'Mer-can man thing. They didn't understand.

They think we are rich. If only they knew...

They think we worship The Boss. Well, we kinda do. Bruce Springsteen is the man! I guess, but not to the extent that they think.

They think we love JFK. Some people did. Others didn't, especially Lee Harvey Oswald.

And here are some things they were shocked to learn/see.

We pay a lot for college. College for the French is free, in exchange for high taxes. They couldn't understand that Colorado College costs $54,000 per year. It just wasn't comprehensible.

They really loved when I shuffled cards. I just do the bridge thing and they all cheered and laughed. LOL.

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