12 July 2012

While my guitar (and stomach) gently weep

So, this is my attempt at recreating a French breakfast. Every morning at Pauline's, I would come downstairs and find bread, homemade jams, Nutella and juice waiting for me at the table. You spread the jam on the bread with a spoon and don't use a plate. Everyone has plastic-like tablecloths so you just eat over the table at breakfast. I always accidentally got some jam on the table but it was easy to clean up. When I ate croissants, it was really messy but yummy!

Out of all of Odile's home made jams, I must say, I enjoyed the blackberry jam the most. I also loved the multi-vitamine mixed fruit juice. So, I went to the store and got some lovely Kroger blackberry jelly (because of lack of other options) and some Santa Cruz Strawberry-Lemonade (because it looks about the same and just tastes good too). I also tried to find a baguette, but instead got a loaf of bread that you bake yourself. I tried to get it nice and hard,like REAL French bread but it wasn't the same. Oh, how I miss the simple, but awesome breakfasts of France.


  1. But sissy, if the French don't use plates, how do they eat scrambled eggs or biscuits with gravy?!

  2. oh and in culinary school we used to make baguettes all the time.. mmmm:)
